Avid’s Pro Tools Certification training program is designed to help you develop your skills using Pro Tools software and Avid hardware in a fast-paced professional environment. The entire curriculum contains multiple courses that are focused on particular skill levels or production areas. Based on your desired learning outcome you can take any number of the courses you choose. However, the curriculum does follow a path which requires you to complete certain entry level courses before moving on towards the more advanced, expert-level certification training.
Official Pro Tools Courses
The entire Avid Pro Tools training program is made up of ten different courses starting at basic entry level training and working up to expert-level advanced training.
Pro Tools 101 – Introduction to Pro Tools
Pro Tools 110 – Essentials of Pro Tools
Pro Tools 130: Using Pro Tools for Game Audio
Pro Tools 201 – Pro Tools Production
Pro Tools 205: Guide to Pro Tools Worksurfaces
Pro Tools 210M – Music Production Techniques
Pro Tools 210P – Post Production Techniques
Pro Tools 220: Certification Update for Pro Tools Operators (earlier versions)
Pro Tools 310M: Music Production Techniques (Advanced)
Pro Tools 310P – Advanced Post Production Techniques
Pro Tools Certification Path
Certificates are awarded for completing different courses, or combinations of the above courses.
Pro Tools User: Complete 101 and 110
Pro Tools Operator Music: Complete 101, 110, 201, 210M
Pro Tools Operator in Post: Pro Tools 101, 110, 201, and 210P required
Pro Tools Expert Music: Complete 101, 110, 201, 210M, 310M
Pro Tools Expert (Post Focus): Pro Tools 101, 110, 201, 210P, 310P required
Icon Mixer Certification: 310-I required
Venue Operator: 110V & 210V
Worksurface Operator: 205
Pro Tools Training Partners
There are three different types of Avid Authorized training partners. Each level indicates which level of courses are offered. That in turn is usually an indication of how well equipped (in terms of Pro Tools hardware, Icon, Venue hardware) the partnering school is to provide the training..Summary of Avid Training Partners
Certified Training Location: Pro Tools 100 & 200 Level Courses and Exams
Pro School: Provides all Pro Tools 100, 200 & 300 Series Courses and Exams
Sponsored Schools: Provide Pro Tools 100 Series Training Courses and Exams